The Vault Festival: The Review Review

So, that’s it – The Vault Festival is over. At Upper Circle we covered a selection of things that went on, and here they are in order of, well, how good we thought they were. To see all reviews from The Vault Festival, click here.

One show achieved Five Stars:

One Duck Down ★★★★★

There were quite a few other good shows though, here are the ones we thought deserved four stars:

Becoming Shades ★★★★

Think Of England ★★★★

Ad Libido ★★★★

Thirsty ★★★★

Brilliant Jerks ★★★★

And then the more acquired taste or needs work categories: 

Be Prepared ★★★

Ok, Bye ★★★

Timothy ★★★

I Have A Mouth And I Will Scream ★★

Das Fest ★★

This certainly isn’t the end of The Vaults, despite it being the end of this festival. Stay tuned for what you can see at The Vaults now the madness of the festival is over!

Emma Betty
Emma Betty

Emma Betty is 28 and a nurse in Birmingham Children’s Hospital’s Paediatric Intensive Care Unit. Emma has the Les Miserables 10th Anniversary Soundtrack (On CD!) to blame for her love for Musical Theatre, which she found in her parents living room pretty much as soon as she was old enough to know what it was. She began combining her love for Theatre, the Internet and Writing while she was still at school, through various blogs and on social media. Having moved to London in 2013, she launched Upper Circle 4 years later. A couple of years on, she is delighted to have a small team and is so grateful to those helping Upper Circle to grow every day!

Find me on: Twitter


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