Being part of Upper Circle is honestly my favourite hobby! I have always loved watching and writing about theatre but sometimes struggled to afford this quite expensive habit (especially living in London!) But being able to write reviews for such a wide variety of shows on and off the West End, (for free!) and then see my work on a professional website is the best feeling! If you’re a theatre geek who doesn’t get to see as many shows as they’d like, and enjoy writing – then write for Upper Circle!

Tess Kennedy, London Contributor

Writing for Upper Circle is a great opportunity to see more professional theatre, particularly productions I wouldn’t necessarily see otherwise. I love that reviewing is flexible and that I can pick shows to fit around my schedule, and I’m enjoying sharing my thoughts on a respected platform.

Sammi McSporran, Midlands Contributor

I write for Upper Circle in my free time outside of university, and it has helped me to see so many productions that I wouldn’t have known about otherwise. I have been to theatres all over London through Upper Circle, and I have been able to review shows that ended up being some of the best productions I’ve seen. It’s been such an exciting opportunity for me, made even better by being part of a lovely team of reviewers from around the country.

Emma Grimsley, London Contributor


If you’d like to join our team of contributors, we are always open to applications from people hoping to improve their writing skills, see more theatre and have their work in an established online publication. We are looking for people able to review an average of 1 show per week, based anywhere in the UK. If you are a Journalism Student or aspiring to go into journalism and would be interested in conducting interviews for Upper Circle we also have several opportunities to do this. Please fill in the form below letting us know what you’re interested in and our Editor will get back to you.