Legally Blonde, conceived originally by Amanda Brown, has truly stood the test of time. With the movie premiering in 2001 and Broadway production hitting the stage in 2007, its contents have retained their relevance, with a script that remains remarkably unchanged since its conception fifteen years ago.

Laurence O’Keefe and Nell Benjamin’s masterful songwriting, accompanied by Heather Hach’s enhanced book, both played a pivotal role in both the show’s initial success, as well as the long-term pop culture phenomenon that it has become. Though this may initially come as a double-edged sword, the production currently playing in Regent’s Park is nothing short of iconic, and will certainly leave long term fans of this show feeling positively ‘so much better.’

Legally Blonde, much like musicals such as Heathers and Be More Chill has gained a cult following that has cemented it status ss a musical phenomenon. This is largely thanks to its recording by MTV in 2007 and ‘The Search for Elle Woods,’ a reality television show which granted fifteen young girls the chance to make their Broadway debut following Laura Bell Bundy’s departure from the role of Elle. Anybody who was a fan of either of these will not leave Regent’s Park anything but overwhelmed with joy at the faithfulness and fun of Lucy Moss’ interpretation.

That being said, there is an element of revitalisation. Despite feeling incredibly contemporary and updated with its references, this production directed by Tony-award nominated Lucy Moss is in actuality, relatively unchanged from its 2007 premiere on Broadway. The majority of the script is exactly as it was written fifteen years ago, with only slight references made to the dynamic atmosphere of 2022. This includes  mentions of both Tiktok, as well as soon to be Supreme Court Justice Kentanji Brown Jackson. This has allowed the production to both retain its original charm yet flexibly adapt to the modern climate, allowing its contents to be continuously applied to an audience of many die-hard fans.

The entire cast is one of this production’s stand-out features – rightfully gone are the days of children and young adults failing to see themselves represented on stage, as Moss’ direction of Legally Blonde leaves little room for feelings of exclusion. There is not a single member who fails to pull their weight in any capacity, and not a single note is missed throughout the notably difficult score. Elle, played by Courtney Bowman, shines like this role was always made for her, seamlessly delivering the infamously long final belt of  ‘So Much Better’ without so much of a hint of struggle.

Moss has also inadvertently reunited many former cast members of the now deservedly Tony-nominated Six, which she wrote with Toby Marlow. Courtney Bowman (Elle), Grace Mouat (Pilar), and Lauren Drew (Brooke) make up this reunion with unashamedly stellar performances, but other standout moments are delivered by Isaac Hesketh (Margot), Alžbeta Matyšáková (Enid), and Hannah Yun Chamberlain (Serena). As stated, this cast’s diversity is unmatched, and will undoubtedly inspire aspiring young performers as well as remind all in attendance that you should never have to compromise who you are.

All of life’s obstacles will help you find your way, but your fingers should remain crossed that your path may lead you to this truly unmissable production of Legally Blonde.

Legally Blonde’ will be playing at Regent’s Park Open Air Theatre until July 2nd.

Tegan Finch
Tegan Finch

Tegan Finch is postgraduate student at King’s College London, currently studying for a Master’s degree in National Security. With a love of theatre stemming from a school trip to Sleeping Beauty when she was only four, the abrupt interval came caused her to burst into tears, fearing that the show was already over! With the move to London for university being a perfect fit, she has been chasing musicals ever since.


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