Review: ★★★★ How To Hide A Lion, New Wimbledon Theatre

Summer’s over, school has started again. And with those pesky older children out of the way, it’s a great time to take pre-schoolers to the theatre – especially with shows such as How to Hide a Lion to delight and entertain them.


How to Hide a Lion uses song, puppetry and imagination to tell the story of Iris, a little girl who befriends a lion and helps him to hide, while trying to convince her town folk that he isn’t a scary monster, but a kind animal who just wants a snazzy hat. Based on the book by Helen Stephen, this is a simple and warm-hearted tale that emphasises the importance of friendship and open-mindedness.


Stephanie De Whalley and Gilbert Taylor play the two narrators, and operate and voice a number of puppets. They are energetic and engaging, from the minute the audience walk into the space, and manage to seamlessly juggle their many character changes – as well as several set changes. The set itself is rather charming, designed by Laura McEwen, but the stars of the piece really are Samuel Wyer’s puppets. The lion is particularly lovely, and wonderfully brought to life by Taylor.


Running at just under an hour, this is a perfect treat for the little ones in your life – they are sure to be held spellbound by the puppets, music and enthusiasm of De Whalley and Taylor.


How to Hide a Lion plays at the New Wimbledon Theatre until 15th September then goes on tour – further details here:


Beth Pratt

Beth Pratt
Beth Pratt

Beth Pratt is a huge fan of theatre who fell into stage managing after studying English at the University of Exeter. She has been working in theatres across London and the UK for the past year. In her spare time she sings loudly in the shower, tries out fad exercises and tells people about her new puppy.


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